What's wrong with this sentence ?
"For synthesis of protein, a succession of tRNA molecules charged with their appropriate amino acids have to be brought together with an mRNA molecule and matched up by base-pairing through their anticodons with each of its successive codons. The amino acids then have to be linked together to extend the growing protein chain, and the tRNAs, relieved of their burdens, have to be released. This whole complex of processes is carried out by a giant multi molecular machine, the ribosome, formed of two main chains of RNA, called ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and more than 50 different proteins. This evolutionarily ancient molecular juggernaut latches onto the end of an mRNA molecule and then trundles along it capturing loaded tRNA molecules and stitching together the amino acids they carry to form a new protein chain".
The problem with the sentence is that it describes this highly complex and intrinsic machine as a product of evolution and that it's very very old. That is, it came about by chance and that it's like some ancient gestatory builder of life. It seems that in mainstream descriptions of living organisms, whenever something is very complex, and not understood, you just have to apply lashings of time and the word evolution ..... and boom, problem solved. There's your answer. Go with that for the time being and the gaps will be filled in later.
The 'elephant in the room' question surely is - who made the really complex and elusive ribosomes ?
You know those really complex robots that make cars ? Play some of this video :
Well the assumption in the above problematic sentence is like saying that those robots turned up one day due to random chance events. However, we know that some very clever people designed and built them in specific planned sequenced events. And those ribosomes are conservatively a million times more complex than those machines.... and are so small you can't even see them.
The other 'elephant in the room' question is how did life exist before the ribosome ? There was nothing around to assemble the parts ! And who made those equally complex atoms that make the proteins that are needed to go into the parts ?
Surely it points towards an intelligent mind. Matter can't form a mind by chance and time. It's the other way round. A mind forms matter.
To say that 'chance' is a substitute for a 'mind' is illogical, and goes against every other way we view complex designed systems. It is summed up by the following classic movie clip:
I know I will go against the grain of the general trend of thought in the world but I do believe there is a God.
Not really Brett M. In polls about belief 85% of people believe in God and in many parts of the world its 100 %. It's logical to believe in God. How else did all the complexity get here.
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